We have the courage to change the status quo.
Independence allows us to put effort into activities and projects that mean more to us than just numbers in a balance sheet. We invest where we see opportunity and added value, both for us and for society.
Residential construction is our domain. However, we also want to look for new development routes and possibilities, even those not yet tested.
From humble beginnings, we worked our way up to become one of the leading companies in the construction market. We’re open to any challenges, growth and increase in expertise.
We’re building a real estate portfolio across segments. We then rent the buildings to our partners, who can make maximum use of their potential.
We invest where we see opportunity and added value, both for us and for society. We’re looking for investments in newly emerging projects connected with construction and real estate.
Over time, our development plans become independent operations in the area, which satisfy the human need to experience life outside the home and the workplace.
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We give exceptional people space for collaboration.
We’re able to make the most of our independence. Not just as individuals, but more importantly as a team. We each perceive independence in our own way, but when unique personalities come together, they can create unprecedented things.