Homepage Our activities Thermal insulation

Thermal insulation and revitalisation of buildings

In the area of thermal insulation, we belong among the top of the domestic field. We can insulate any building, from smaller houses, through hospitals, schools and administration and other buildings, to the largest apartment complexes. At the same time, we also focus on the revitalisation of structures. We thereby save your money and the environment, and give buildings a new life.

We’ve devoted ourselves to thermal insulation for more than 20 years. We began with the insulation of family houses and other smaller buildings. However, we gradually added more and more projects and buildings, until we got to thermal insulation projects for even the largest high-rise apartment blocks.

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A new life for old buildings

We insulate perimeter facades and roofs, through which many buildings lose the most heat. We choose a thermal insulation system that’s tailored to the specific structure and its capabilities. In our work, we commonly use thermal imaging measurement, thanks to which we can visualise thermal bridges in detail, localise faults and hidden defects in perimeter walls, and find defects in installed thermal insulation. Thanks to thermal imaging, we can also find places where moisture condenses inside the building, which can lead to the dangerous growth of mould.

We know that the thermal insulation of buildings is also inextricably linked with their revitalisation. The combination of the two can achieve significant financial savings for you. For us, revitalisation means a challenge whereby, among others, we inspect the building’s structural stability and perform any necessary construction works, such as installation of new windows, reconstruction of balconies and loggias, construction of an air conditioning system and much more.

We approach the revitalisation of high-rise apartment blocks comprehensively, from the preparation of complete project documentation, through colour design and atypical construction details, to thermal imaging measurement. We can secure financing for housing cooperatives, including all the necessary administrative tasks connected with obtaining a subsidy.

Membership of professional organisations

We’re members of the Czech Green Building Council, which tries to ensure that buildings and urban complexes are designed, constructed, renovated and operated in accordance with a healthy, prosperous and environmentally and socially friendly environment. We’re also included in the list of professional suppliers for the Green Savings programme, and we’re members of the Association of Entrepreneurs in the Construction Industry, which helps stabilise the construction market.

Presentation to download

We belong among the top of the field in thermal insulation, and we use the latest procedures and technologies. We devote ourselves to the insulation of the entire spectrum of structures, from smaller projects, public buildings, state institutions and hospitals, to the largest projects and high-rise apartment blocks. Our work also inherently includes design activity and building revitalisation. Come and take a look with us at projects to which we gave a second chance.

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